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 Pressemeddelelser Suomi U21  (Side: 1)
10/02/2019 05:38:30 - Miten teet U21 majuun avainpelaajan?
08/02/2019 21:11:11 - Season 38(34) 18-20 age groups can succeed greatly:
11/01/2019 13:44:28 - Tehokas tuplaharjoittelu:
11/01/2019 13:43:21 - 21y players in season 37-38 (33-34):
11/01/2019 13:42:20 - 21y players in season 35-36 (31-32):
06/04/2017 14:56:45 - World Cup semi-final (Bronze)
06/04/2017 14:42:16 - MM-kisoissa välierä (Pronssia)
13/12/2016 18:35:10 - Preparing for the U21 World Cup
25/07/2016 16:50:14 - 21y players in season 29-30 (25-26):
08/01/2016 15:28:37 - 21y players in season 27-28 (23-24):
22/05/2015 21:12:36 - How to ensure the U21 NT call
Report your 15-20y old player who receives training: -> Finland U21 national team page.
Especially we are looking for the future ABS players who receive 2 training (Tues & Thurs) per week.

You have well trained player but not get call for U21 NT?

This may be the explanation: There is big problem
U21 NT can not find players if you not send info:

-> Suomi U21. There might also another problem:

If the notification U21 NT is not successful, because he is already another national
team in monitoring, then the player must be requested first away from the U18 NT list.
Even the player can no longer play the U18 NT, not removed from the list automatically.

You can not assume that the NT manager will have time to visit all the teams throughout
the world
. U18 NT have tool which can easily find the players, but this is unfortunately
not have U21 & ABS NT, so we largely have to dependent on the teams notifications.

Also when World cup was going U21 NT can not call players and of course World Cup
players usually are 20-21 year old players. Now just start call these younger players.
22/05/2015 21:06:11 - 21y players in season 25-26 (21-22):
14/11/2014 13:59:42 - U21 maajoukkue kaudella 20 (season 24)
08/07/2014 16:39:31 - U21 maajoukkue kaudella 19 (season 23)
25/11/2013 14:08:03 - U21 maajoukkue kaudella 17 (season 21)
24/08/2013 21:53:30 - Report 15-20y old players
04/08/2013 20:13:42 - U21 maajoukkue kaudella 16 (season 20)
30/04/2013 18:29:17 - Report 15-20y old players
30/04/2013 18:22:19 - U21 maajoukkue kaudella 15 (season 19)
11/01/2012 05:21:10 - Players Wanted!!!

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